VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Création
Auteur : Gladys1
Date de création : 01-09-2023
posté le 23-07-2024 à 14:30:17




gladys-lemire le 23-07-2024 à 17:10:49
aussi pour le blog Delffy cétai le méme ke Gladys1 c'etait trop rèpeter

c'est bien kom sa dans un sens

BernardNowman le 23-07-2024 à 17:02:12
joliiii poeme et article mon amour (l)

je t'aimeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme always d'amour (l) à moi

gladys-lemire le 23-07-2024 à 15:14:13


Alfred, I saw days when we lived as brothers,

Serving the same gods at literary altars:

Heaven had formed only one soul for two bodies;

Beautiful days of outpouring, love and harmony,

Where my voice is constantly united with yours

Was going to be lost in heaven in divine accords.

Who among us has changed? Why in career

Does one run forward, leaving the other behind?

Which of the two soldiers deserted the ranks?

Why were these two ships sailing together,

Already despairing of a port that brings them together,

Will they look so far from such different sides?

I did not devote my master to grievances,

I did not drink in gall and insults

The idol where my knees wore out bending:

I have not repudiated the trace of the past,

I remained faithful to it, and did not, like Horace,

In the middle of the fight threw my shield.

No, it's you who changed. A name that reveals itself

Dazzles you with the rays of his new glory.

You see in the bud the fruit that must ripen:

Patron of Virgil and Saint John of the Messiah,

You spread the holy Prophecy everywhere,

You sow the word and make it flourish.

BernardNowman le 23-07-2024 à 14:59:27
MOI non plus mon amour (l) je sais pas le pkoi ???
gladys-lemire le 23-07-2024 à 14:37:55
Bernard atends toi a ce que un jour je né pls de blog ici dellfy est suprimé

je sé pas se qui se passe????????????????????????????? ni le pourquoi?
gladys-lemire le 23-07-2024 à 14:33:01
Ein Atemzug
