VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Création
Auteur : Gladys1
Date de création : 01-09-2023
posté le 08-07-2024 à 11:01:20




gladys-lemire le 08-07-2024 à 11:36:17
Me love

Unconditional love, like infinite waves,

Surging over our hearts, ceaselessly and without limit,

He is the ocean in which we drown,

A love without conditions, without end or reason.

BernardNowman le 08-07-2024 à 11:22:59
magnifique créa et poeme mon amour (l)

ouiii moi ossi j'aime bien c simples et jolies

je t'aimeeeeeeeeeee (l) my wife always d'amour (l) à moi

gladys-lemire le 08-07-2024 à 11:16:59
jolies tite créats simple mais jolies jaime bien

gladys-lemire le 08-07-2024 à 11:12:07


During the long summers, when the earth altered

Seems to rise, whitened and torn,

To search in vain for a breath of freshness

Who relieves his restless ardor in passing;

When the harvest is yellowed, scattered, disheveled,

Bends sadly over its burnt stem,

How sweet it is, on these fields suddenly suspended,

To see the expected cloud appear and grow!

How sweet it is, under the waves of its warm dew

To see nature aflame come back to life,

And to feel life, stopped for a moment,

Enter each leaf with a thrill!

In these narrow, deep, and solitary valleys,

Where a heavy doubtful day plunges, full of mysteries;

Where the shadow of the fir trees covers the pale fields,

Far from the air and sky buried lands;

How sweet it is, in the middle of the dark day,

To finally see a fortunate hour blossom,

To see the star of fire, which the mountain wants to hide,

Rising gloriously, dominate the rock!

Opening its sheaf of gold on this side of the world,

With its luminous jets it warms it and floods it,

And the arid valley, strewn with a thousand flowers,

Will soon shine with divine colors!
