VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Création
Auteur : Gladys1
Date de création : 01-09-2023
posté le 04-07-2024 à 12:02:14




gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 14:39:53
ya cé joli imag' merci du conplimen (l)

BernardNowman le 04-07-2024 à 13:51:25
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)

je t'aimeee (l) ma chouchounette d'amour (l) à moi

gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 12:10:30


In this lost Spring

where we loved each other

along the river

one day in May

In this lost Spring

where we feel happiness

leave this hope

that we leave and no longer see

In this lost Spring

and at the rebirth

of such a beautiful passion

Life that no longer exists

In this lost Spring

and the charming birds

and these songs of idylls

beautiful, stripped bare

In this lost Spring

Like a beautiful violin

with damaged strings

That we will never hear again

In this lost Spring

and these old stones

a day in the heart of the vineyards

who will no longer be there

gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 12:04:29
Vögel oiseaux

joli images
