VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Création
Auteur : Gladys1
Date de création : 01-09-2023
posté le 03-07-2024 à 13:49:11




Lionel 71300 le 04-07-2024 à 08:49:44
Très bon week-end à toi gros bisous mon amie
BernardNowman le 03-07-2024 à 14:29:27
magnifique article mon amour (l) et joliii poeme

je t'aimeeeeeee (l) my wife d'amour always (l) à moi smiley_id117191smiley_id117191smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id166427smiley_id166427
gladys-lemire le 03-07-2024 à 13:55:37


Believe me, cute, with the crush

That the two of us waste, every day

(Don't make fun of me too much, Clairette),

We could still make some love.

We make love with the crush.

Who knows ? know our hearts a little better.

Who knows ? let's look carefully...sorry, I'm stopping;

You have too mocking a mouth and an eye

(Don’t make fun of me too much, Clairette):

Who knows ? know our hearts a little better.

Let's see, if I had in some retreat

The nest that I dream of and that I sought,

(Don't make fun of me too much, Clairette),

We like it much better when we are hidden.

If I had a nest in some retreat!

A nest ! very hollow, very lost valleys.

No more nonsense, no more cigarettes;

Champagne and Mâcon would be defended,

(Don’t make fun of me too much, Clairette)...

A nest, very hollow valleys, very lost.

What a joy to live as an anchorite,

Flowers and your eyes for every horizon,

(Don’t make fun of me too much, Clairette)!

By the god Plutus, I have some reason

To desire to live as an anchorite.

gladys-lemire le 03-07-2024 à 13:50:51
