VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Création
Auteur : Gladys1
Date de création : 01-09-2023
posté le 28-05-2024 à 16:08:51

Double game



gladys-lemire le 29-05-2024 à 14:30:21

Qui est modéré dans l'appréciation de soi-même, exempt d'orgueil, de vanité : Un homme modeste qui ne cherche pas à se mettre en avant. 4. Qui a peu d'importance, ou à quoi on attribue peu d'importance : Acceptez ce modeste présent.

et qui se de dis je suis sans importance.

gladys-lemire le 28-05-2024 à 16:37:02
It is my opinion that on the way we are exposed to the rain,

To the wind, to the dust, and that we can, in the morning,

Waking up rumpled with a bad complexion,

And that in the long run, in office, a tête-à-tête gets boring.

It is my opinion that there is no worse madness in the world

Than taking love to a distant country.

Whatever Héloïse or Madame Cottin says,

In a hostel mirror you are never pretty.

It is my opinion that, in short, a well-made white stocking,

On a white dress a beautiful moiré ribbon,

And neat nails are the ultimate happiness.

What do you say, madame, to this reasoning?

One point on this subject only surprises me:

It’s because we don’t have time to think about it when we love.
gladys-lemire le 28-05-2024 à 16:10:05
Double game
