VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Création
Auteur : Gladys1
Date de création : 01-09-2023
posté le 10-05-2024 à 21:04:21




francoise4 le 11-05-2024 à 13:54:59
bonne journée bisous
gladys-lemire le 11-05-2024 à 11:42:32
Vaux mieux etre seule que mal accompagner

alors je viens ici.smiley_id117199

Lionel 71300 le 11-05-2024 à 08:31:25
Très bon week-end ensoleillé à toi gros bisous mon amie Gladys
gladys-lemire le 10-05-2024 à 21:09:59
Little poeme


Young woman with black eyes, dizzy, inconstant,

Between a thousand indecisive and floating thoughts,

Who wants and does not want, and soon no longer knows

Where to take or fix, your unresolved wishes,

Who does not love evil and yet cannot do

A single step towards the good that your soul prefers,

Carefree, and goes delivering every morning,

Your projects to chance and your life to destiny,

Do you know why I love you, and what a hidden hand

Hold my soul to the chariot where you tied it,

Why do I complain so much in your arms, and feel

Something more than the intoxication of the senses?

It is because there are, you see clearly, certain destinies

By secret links chained to each other:

It can happen, sometimes, that two minds

Have recognized and understood each other at the first time;

A sad clarity, long regrets followed,

Of his illusions has stripped my life;

She withered my joy, and left nothing left

In the depths of my deeply wounded heart;

And you, your soul too, sad and disenchanted

Of these vain vestiges which had flattered her too much,

Recognized their emptiness and will soon end

These dreams dissipated never to return.smiley_id172963smiley_id172963
gladys-lemire le 10-05-2024 à 21:05:48