1. gladys-lemire le 29-05-2024 à 14:58:00 (site)
2. gladys-lemire le 29-05-2024 à 15:05:12 (site)
Who is moderate in his self-esteem, free from pride and vanity: A modest man who does not seek to put himself forward. 4. Who has little importance, or to whom little importance is attributed: Accept this modest present.
and who says to himself I am unimportant.
1. gladys-lemire le 28-05-2024 à 16:10:05 (site)
Double game
2. gladys-lemire le 28-05-2024 à 16:37:02 (site)
It is my opinion that on the way we are exposed to the rain,
To the wind, to the dust, and that we can, in the morning,
Waking up rumpled with a bad complexion,
And that in the long run, in office, a tête-à-tête gets boring.
It is my opinion that there is no worse madness in the world
Than taking love to a distant country.
Whatever Héloïse or Madame Cottin says,
In a hostel mirror you are never pretty.
It is my opinion that, in short, a well-made white stocking,
On a white dress a beautiful moiré ribbon,
And neat nails are the ultimate happiness.
What do you say, madame, to this reasoning?
One point on this subject only surprises me:
It’s because we don’t have time to think about it when we love.
3. gladys-lemire le 29-05-2024 à 14:30:21 (site)
Qui est modéré dans l'appréciation de soi-même, exempt d'orgueil, de vanité : Un homme modeste qui ne cherche pas à se mettre en avant. 4. Qui a peu d'importance, ou à quoi on attribue peu d'importance : Acceptez ce modeste présent.
et qui se de dis je suis sans importance.
1. gladys-lemire le 27-05-2024 à 20:42:04 (site)
2. Lionel 71300 le 28-05-2024 à 09:06:29
Très bonne journée de mardi à toi gros bisous mon amie Gladys
3. francoise4 le 29-05-2024 à 15:09:50 (site)
passe une bonne journée bisous ma belle
1. gladys-lemire le 26-05-2024 à 14:57:41 (site)
Happy holidays to all the mothers in the world
2. gladys-lemire le 26-05-2024 à 15:09:16 (site)
Girls are the lights of our lives. They brighten our days and remind us of what is truly important in life. Seeing our daughters grow into strong, beautiful women is one of the greatest joys we can experience.
This Mother's Day, take the time to let your daughter know how much she means to you. Send him a card expressing your love and gratitude, or treat him to a special day. And if you're wondering what to write in a Mother's Day card for your daughter? Relax and go through these happy mother’s day messages for daughter. You will definitely find the perfect words to let her know how much you cherish her.
3. francoise4 le 26-05-2024 à 15:16:06 (site)
bonne journée bisous ^rend soins de toi
4. Lionel 71300 le 27-05-2024 à 09:06:24
Très bon début de semaine à toi gros bisous mon amie
5. francoise4 le 28-05-2024 à 14:57:20 (site)
passe un bon mardi bisous
1. gladys-lemire le 30-05-2024 à 19:05:04 (site)

2. Lionel 71300 le 31-05-2024 à 08:32:28
Très bon week-end à toi gros bisous mon amie Gladys