1. gladys-lemire le 18-05-2024 à 18:48:28 (site)
2. gladys-lemire le 18-05-2024 à 18:54:15 (site)
The street was deserted and overlooked the fields.
When I went to see the beautiful setting suns in summer
With the beloved dream that accompanies me everywhere,
I always followed her to win the campaign,
And I noticed that, in a house
Who makes the corner and who holds, like a prison,
Closed to the evening wind its narrow shutter,
Always at the same time, a musician
Mysterious, and who undoubtedly lived there,
Played the adagio from the sonata in A.
The sky was tinged with soft green and pink.
The street was deserted; and the morose stroller
And sad, as lovers often are,
Who passed by, their eyes fixed on the powdery lawns,
Always at the same time, had gotten used to it
To hear this old tune in this solitude.
The piano sang dull, sweet, touching,
Filled with the painful memory of the absent
And quietly reproaching the old ecstasies.
And I guessed flowers in large vases,
Perfumes, a deep and funereal mirror,
A portrait of a man with a proud, magnetic and black eye,
Majestic folds in the dark hangings,
A silver lamp, discreet, under the shadows,
The old keyboard offering itself in its cold paleness,
And, in this emotional atmosphere, a pain
Blossomed with ineffable and physical charm
Silence, freshness, music.
The piano sang ever lower, lower.
Then, one evening in August, I didn't hear him.
3. Lionel 71300 le 19-05-2024 à 08:44:01
Très joli image très bon dimanche à toi gros bisous mon amie Gladys
1. gladys-lemire le 17-05-2024 à 13:41:26 (site)
2. gladys-lemire le 17-05-2024 à 13:48:38 (site)
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Mit der Zärtlichkeit der Kinder,
Das Lächeln in den Tiefen des Auges,
Freundschaft voller Zuneigung.
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Mit der Leidenschaft der ersten Liebe,
Hand in Hand, blind,
Leidenschaft gepaart mit Verlangen.
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Mit der Treue treuer Freunde,
Ohne ein Wort, absolute Gewissheit,
Respekt gepaart mit Aufrichtigkeit.
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Mit Unfug, Fröhlichkeit und Kameradschaft,
All dieses Lächeln, Lachen und Kichern,
Glück mit Leichtigkeit.
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Mit der Zusicherung alter Komplizen,
Sich gegenseitig reif sehen, einander unterstützen und füreinander sorgen,
Zuversicht gepaart mit Dankbarkeit.
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Ohne zu scheitern, alle Facetten vereint,
Selbst bis in die Unvollkommenheiten hinein, liebevoll sein,
Mildern Sie die Intensität, hier Tönung, hier Tönung.
Sich gegenseitig lieben,
Machen Sie diese Verpflichtung, versprechen Sie sich selbst,
Da sein, immer präsent sein,
Hören Sie angesichts des Alltags auf, davonzulaufen.
1. gladys-lemire le 16-05-2024 à 11:56:54 (site)
2. gladys-lemire le 16-05-2024 à 11:58:13 (site)
j'ai rater mon articl
3. gladys-lemire le 16-05-2024 à 14:41:19 (site)
Of light and darkness,
Of nothingness and astonishing glory,
Star fatal to kings as to freedom;
At the height of your course carried by a storm,
And by a storm carried away,
You, who knew nothing, in your bloody passage,
Equal to your happiness is your adversity;
Mortal God, under your feet the mountains bow their heads
Opened a triumphant path for you;
The submissive elements were awaiting your signal;
Of a rainy night driving away the storms,
To light up your celebrations,
The sun announced you on its radiant chariot;
Europe admired you in deep horror,
And the sound of your voice, a sign from your eyes,
Gave the world a shake.
Your breath of chaos brought out the laws;
Your image insulted the remains of kings,
And, standing on the brass of their warlike thunderbolts,
Maintained the sky with the noise of your exploits.
The Renaissance cults, surprised to be brothers,
On their rival altars, which both smoked,
Their prayers were confused for you.
1. gladys-lemire le 14-05-2024 à 18:43:25 (site)
2. lionel71300 le 15-05-2024 à 08:45:33 (site)
tres bon mercredi bisou a toi gladys
3. francoise4 le 15-05-2024 à 13:51:41 (site)
bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi
4. Lionel 71300 le 16-05-2024 à 08:40:08
Très bonne fin de semaine à toi gros bisous mon amie Gladys
5. lionel71300 le 17-05-2024 à 08:12:51 (site)
tres bon week end bisous gladys
1. gladys-lemire le 19-05-2024 à 13:55:04 (site)
2. gladys-lemire le 19-05-2024 à 14:00:51 (site)

When in space everything goes out
my memory revives
the heat of your body
and your divine smile
My tenderness with green eyes
My elixir in my hells
come back oh my mother
I will know how to welcome you
by making your presence
the reason for my existence
and my supreme entertainment
When in my being
sorrow unfolds
and darkness colors my days
I become yesterday's child again
deaf to the silence of the cemetery
that you will take
by the hand
3. francoise4 le 20-05-2024 à 15:04:33 (site)
bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi