1. gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 12:04:29 (site)
Vögel oiseaux
joli images
2. gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 12:10:30 (site)
In this lost Spring
where we loved each other
along the river
one day in May
In this lost Spring
where we feel happiness
leave this hope
that we leave and no longer see
In this lost Spring
and at the rebirth
of such a beautiful passion
Life that no longer exists
In this lost Spring
and the charming birds
and these songs of idylls
beautiful, stripped bare
In this lost Spring
Like a beautiful violin
with damaged strings
That we will never hear again
In this lost Spring
and these old stones
a day in the heart of the vineyards
who will no longer be there
3. BernardNowman le 04-07-2024 à 13:51:25 (site)
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeee (l) ma chouchounette d'amour (l) à moi
4. gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 14:39:53 (site)
ya cé joli imag' merci du conplimen (l)
1. gladys-lemire le 03-07-2024 à 20:18:11 (site)
2. BernardNowman le 04-07-2024 à 13:47:51 (site)
1. gladys-lemire le 03-07-2024 à 13:50:51 (site)
2. gladys-lemire le 03-07-2024 à 13:55:37 (site)
Believe me, cute, with the crush
That the two of us waste, every day
(Don't make fun of me too much, Clairette),
We could still make some love.
We make love with the crush.
Who knows ? know our hearts a little better.
Who knows ? let's look carefully...sorry, I'm stopping;
You have too mocking a mouth and an eye
(Don’t make fun of me too much, Clairette):
Who knows ? know our hearts a little better.
Let's see, if I had in some retreat
The nest that I dream of and that I sought,
(Don't make fun of me too much, Clairette),
We like it much better when we are hidden.
If I had a nest in some retreat!
A nest ! very hollow, very lost valleys.
No more nonsense, no more cigarettes;
Champagne and Mâcon would be defended,
(Don’t make fun of me too much, Clairette)...
A nest, very hollow valleys, very lost.
What a joy to live as an anchorite,
Flowers and your eyes for every horizon,
(Don’t make fun of me too much, Clairette)!
By the god Plutus, I have some reason
To desire to live as an anchorite.
3. BernardNowman le 03-07-2024 à 14:29:27 (site)
magnifique article mon amour (l) et joliii poeme
je t'aimeeeeeee (l) my wife d'amour always (l) à moi
4. Lionel 71300 le 04-07-2024 à 08:49:44
Très bon week-end à toi gros bisous mon amie
1. gladys-lemire le 02-07-2024 à 19:09:20 (site)
jolie imag"
2. gladys-lemire le 02-07-2024 à 19:17:39 (site)
Alas! who taught you these mysteries so young
And all these pains of the poor human heart?
What genius in the middle of lonely paths,
Leaving the cradle led you by the hand?
O vigorous cantor, oh chosen nature!
What is the spirit of Heaven that takes you wherever you want?
What a fragrant breath of holy poetry
Constantly lift the gold from your blond hair?
What mysterious art to your prophetic verse
Mixed so much sadness and serenity?
What divine artist, like the ancient wrestler,
Gave you so much strength with so much beauty?
3. BernardNowman le 02-07-2024 à 19:24:51 (site)
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeee (l) my wife d'amour always (l) à moi
4. gladys-lemire le 02-07-2024 à 19:28:21 (site)
merci mon ti nhome to me(l)
jtaime me alwys me life(l)
1. gladys-lemire le 04-07-2024 à 18:27:01 (site)
2. BernardNowman le 04-07-2024 à 18:45:27 (site)
c magnifique mon amour (l)

je gt'aimeeeeeeeee (l) my always d'amour (l) à moi