1. BernardNowman le 26-06-2024 à 12:12:43 (site)
magnifique article mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeee my wife always (l)
2. gladys-lemire le 26-06-2024 à 12:26:52 (site)
Adagio poeme
The street was deserted and overlooked the fields.
When I went to see the beautiful setting suns in summer
With the beloved dream that accompanies me everywhere,
I always followed her to win the campaign,
And I noticed that, in a house
Who makes the corner and who holds, like a prison,
Closed to the evening wind its narrow shutter,
Always at the same time, a musician
Mysterious, and who undoubtedly lived there,
Played the adagio from the sonata in A.
The sky was tinged with soft green and pink.
The street was deserted; and the morose stroller
And sad, as lovers often are,
Who passed by, their eyes fixed on the powdery lawns,
Always at the same time, had gotten used to it
To hear this old tune in this solitude.
The piano sang dull, sweet, touching,
Filled with the painful memory of the absent
And quietly reproaching the old ecstasies.
And I guessed flowers in large vases,
Perfumes, a deep and funereal mirror,
A portrait of a man with a proud, magnetic and black eye,
Majestic folds in the dark hangings,
A silver lamp, discreet, under the shadows,
The old keyboard offering itself in its cold paleness,
And, in this emotional atmosphere, a pain
Blossomed with ineffable and physical charm
Silence, freshness, music.
The piano sang ever lower, lower.
Then, one evening in August, I didn't hear him.
3. gladys-lemire le 26-06-2024 à 12:29:43 (site)
merci mon ti nhomme jtaime aussi très fort
my always to me(l) me life (l)
4. BernardNowman le 26-06-2024 à 12:36:36 (site)
ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mon amour (l) je t'aimeeeeee (l) moi ossi tres fort
joliii poeme
5. francoise4 le 27-06-2024 à 13:24:41 (site)
bon jeudi bisous prend soins de toi
1. gladys-lemire le 25-06-2024 à 13:16:35 (site)
Légende poème
The landscape passes by but I no longer move.
Your face is now like a mirage,
Your caresses a current of air on my skin that escapes,
Your words a dull whisper that I no longer hear,
Your smile a blurred idea scattered,
Your presence a memory that fades away.
Days like an eternity have deepened your absence.
You flew away like a butterfly that doesn't yet know how to fly.
I forget you like a deliverance.
My life is completely mine now.
2. BernardNowman le 25-06-2024 à 13:19:20 (site)
magnique article et jolii poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour always (l) à moi
3. gladys-lemire le 25-06-2024 à 13:25:11 (site)
merci mon ti nhomma adoré jtaime my always me life to me (l)
4. francoise4 le 27-06-2024 à 13:23:58 (site)
bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi
5. francoise4 le 27-06-2024 à 13:24:01 (site)
bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi
1. gladys-lemire le 24-06-2024 à 11:42:21 (site)
magnifique crèation cool
suis contente de moi (l)
2. BernardNowman le 24-06-2024 à 12:00:31 (site)
magnifique article mon amour (l) ouiii contente de toi tu es
je t'aimeeeeeeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour (l) à moi
3. gladys-lemire le 24-06-2024 à 12:05:12 (site)
merci mon ti nhomme merci detre dan me vie jtaime my always
4. gladys-lemire le 24-06-2024 à 12:26:20 (site)
Oh ! Paris is the mother city!
Paris is the solemn place
Where the ephemeral whirlwind
Spins on an eternal center!
Paris ! dark fire or pure star!
Morne Isis covered with a veil!
Spider with huge web
Where are the nations going?
Obsessed urn fountain!
Udder constantly flooded
Where to feed on the idea
Come the generations!
When Paris gets to work
In his forge of a thousand clamors,
To every people, happy, brave or wise,
He takes his laws, his gods, his morals.
In its furnace, pell-mell,
It melts, transforms and renews
This universal science
Let him borrow from all humans;
Then he rejects to the pale peoples
Their scepters and their diadems,
Their prejudices and their systems,
All twisted by his strong hands!
5. BernardNowman le 24-06-2024 à 12:35:17 (site)
joliiiii poeme mon amour (l)
6. BernardNowman le 24-06-2024 à 15:10:29 (site)
merciii mon amour (l) d'etre dans ma vie je t'aimeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour always (l) à moi
1. gladys-lemire le 23-06-2024 à 09:44:29 (site)
Black and white
Bon Dimanche a tous
2. BernardNowman le 23-06-2024 à 11:32:02 (site)
magnifique article mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeeeeeeee (l) my always d'amour (l) à moi
3. gladys-lemire le 23-06-2024 à 11:36:31 (site)
So, my dear, you come back
From the country I remember
Like a dream,
Of these beautiful places where the orange tree
Born to compensate us
From the sin of Eve.
You saw it, this enchanted sky
which shows with such clarity
The great mystery;
So pure, that a sigh rises to God
More freely than in any place
Whoever is on earth.
Have you seen them, the old mansions
From this city of black palaces
Who was Florence,
More boring than Milan
Where, at least, four or five times a year,
Cerrito dances.
You saw her, sitting in the water,
Gaily carrying his mezzaro,
The beautiful Genoa,
The painted face, the shining eye,
Who babbles and plays while laughing
With his chains.
4. gladys-lemire le 23-06-2024 à 11:38:14 (site)
Après mé remix
jé fait sa cool
5. francoise4 le 23-06-2024 à 14:21:08 (site)
bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi
1. gladys-lemire le 27-06-2024 à 12:38:49 (site)
poème brume

When you came, with thoughtful steps, in the mist,
The sky mixed crystal and brass with gold.
Your body could be guessed, uncertain undulation,
More flexible than the wave and cooler than the foam.
The summer evening seemed like an oriental dream
Rose and sandalwood.
I was shaking. Long religious and pale lilies
Were dying in your hands, like cold candles.
Their dying perfumes escaped from your fingers
In the faint breath of supreme anguish.
From your bright clothes exuded in turn
Agony and love.
I felt a shiver on my silent lips
The sweetness and fear of your first kiss.
Under your feet, I heard the lyres break
By shouting to the sky the proud boredom of poets
Among languidly diminishing streams of sounds,
Blonde, you seemed to me.
And the spirit thirsty for the eternal, for the impossible,
From infinity, I wanted to modulate widely
A hymn of magic and wonder.
But the verse rose stuttering and painful,
Naive reflection, childish echo, bumpy flight,
Towards your Divinity.
édité le 27-06-2024 à 12:40:16
2. gladys-lemire le 27-06-2024 à 12:49:18 (site)
S je parle pas si je dis rien , c'est que j'ai rien a dire;
le silence est parfois bon et avenant.
tout en respectent le droit et choix des autres,
cela ne fait pas une indifférence.
édité le 27-06-2024 à 13:35:32
3. BernardNowman le 27-06-2024 à 12:52:47 (site)
magnifique article mon amour (l) et joliii poeme

je t'aimeeeeeeeeee (l) m ptite femme d'amour lways (l) à moi my wife (l)