1. gladys-lemire le 13-08-2024 à 15:55:25 (site)
the Four seasons
2. gladys-lemire le 13-08-2024 à 16:04:15 (site)
Hidden in the rocks that look down on the beach,
At the foot of the cliff is the little village.
On the waves its roofs seem to lean,
And its boat masts surround its bell tower.
It is in May. – The Ocean, on these beautiful days,
To the warm and clear azure of the Mediterranean.
It sings, and the sun makes even brighter
Its foam sliding along the golden sands.
The smell of the wave mixes with the perfumes of the earth
And, over there, the little garden of the presbytery,
Halfway up the coast, is filled with flowers and rays.
Blond, laughing and chasing the first butterflies,
A beautiful child plays there and goes, on the lawn,
From the old priest in a cassock to the old man in a blouse
Who are there, one saying his prayers quietly,
The other watering flowers that he does not look at,
Because to better see the child, who runs in the light,
One neglects his flowers and the other his prayer;
And both smile at each other joyfully.
3. Jean marie14 le 13-08-2024 à 18:19:46 (site)
Coucou je vois que tu a ouvert un blog ici.donc ont.se retrouve enfin ton blog est très beau
Bonne soirée Bises
4. gladys-lemire le 13-08-2024 à 18:44:41 (site)
Merci Jean Marie de ta visite très sympa
je te souhaite un bonne soirée
5. jean marie14 le 14-08-2024 à 07:55:33 (site)
petit coucou je garde ton lien, il fait moins chaud hier nous avons 28 degrés des tempèratures normales d'été et la nuit c'est un 19 tant mieux ont respire , je te souhaite un bon Mercredi ,bises
6. BernardNowman le 14-08-2024 à 13:10:46 (site)
magnifique article mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour always (l) à moi
7. gladys-lemire le 14-08-2024 à 15:04:11 (site)
Thank you my little loving husband, your wife who loves you too, hugs
1. gladys-lemire le 12-08-2024 à 15:44:17 (site)
Daffodil joli imag"
2. gladys-lemire le 12-08-2024 à 16:20:29 (site)
The soul emptied, the heart extinguished and the loins heavy,
The gentle breeze that the north wind to engage has left to beat the drums
of the gravediggers of love.
The bodies tensed in a brutal contraction
Abandon themselves without passion to penetration.
Not a look, not a tender gesture,
It was enough to wait, for the male orgasm to be satiated,
as are the beasts after the trance of the feast.
In the heavy silence of the commander who falls asleep.
The rifleman could not enjoy the feast.
And must, wait for the next internal struggle.
To fantasize about the distant booty,
Promised by many general staffs.
So mutilate yourselves, stop this trench warfare.
Make the heads fall and make them stick out their tongues.
For your pleasure.
crucify them, so that their arm is docile
And come to caress your soul.
Speak! think! discover! imagine and dream!
Be crazy, inventive, brutal and tender.
3. BernardNowman le 12-08-2024 à 16:28:05 (site)
nice beautiful magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femmr d'amour (l) à moi
4. gladys-lemire le 12-08-2024 à 17:12:49 (site)
Thank you my little loving husband, your wife who loves you too, hugs
1. gladys-lemire le 11-08-2024 à 14:53:25 (site)
strange picture
2. gladys-lemire le 11-08-2024 à 16:14:09 (site)
Drawing nature
making a poplar
this poplar
with its glories its defeats
its reasons to hope
its regrets
its thousands of little hands
to applaud the arrival of the day
tracing one by one
their silent delicacy
Listening to each hollow
each pile of black leaves
being of each vibration
celebrating the palpitation
Melt into each line
and let it pass
the threat of the wasp
to write under dictation
the modest perfection of a sunrise in Dordogne
and telling ourselves that today again
we will try to live as best we can
3. BernardNowman le 11-08-2024 à 16:20:23 (site)
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour always (l) à moi
4. gladys-lemire le 11-08-2024 à 16:53:16 (site)
merci mon ti nhomme
love you toi
faut que je refasse des cadre avc les entreux
5. BernardNowman le 11-08-2024 à 17:14:04 (site)
ouiiii mon amour (l) d'accort pour les cadres
1. gladys-lemire le 10-08-2024 à 14:52:04 (site)
joli imag"
2. gladys-lemire le 10-08-2024 à 15:12:37 (site)
petit poeme
As-tu vu la vache,
La vache aux yeux bleus, bleus, bleus.
Toujours à la tâche,
Elle faisait : "Meuh ! Meuh ! "
Avec sa p'tit' queue nature,
Terminée par un plumet,
Elle battait la mesure
Pendant qu'les oiseaux chantaient.
Tous les bœufs, tous les bœufs,
Tous les bœufs aimaient la vache,
Mais la vache, mais la vache,
Mais la vache n'aimait pas l'bœuf.
Elle aimait un taureau
Olé ! Olé !
Qu'elle avait vu à Bilbao,
À la foire aux bestiaux.
Qu'il était beau ! Qu'il était gros !
C'était un vrai taureau costaud.
Olé !
A la ferme jamais de vacance, toujours en mouvement.
3. BernardNowman le 10-08-2024 à 15:35:12 (site)
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeeeeeeeeee (l) my wife adorée always (l) à moi
4. gladys-lemire le 11-08-2024 à 10:35:36 (site)
Bon dimanche a tous
1. gladys-lemire le 15-08-2024 à 17:14:36 (site)
c'est joli sans plus mais jaime bien

2. gladys-lemire le 15-08-2024 à 17:21:06 (site)

He traces invisible paths in the air
Shaking translucent sails without weakening
He cleaves the low skies, messenger of the stars,
Connecting the present to the most distant seas.
The bird migrates without noise, free son of lightning,
Abandoning his nest all covered with canvas.
He faces the winds while near the stove,
I, the fearful dunce, dream of universes!
Yet I will go out when my time comes;
The bird will show me how much the human is deceived
To believe in what he sees but which goes into oblivion…
He will take me far, curing my vertigo,
And I will become him, my destiny fulfilled,
For I will never return to the ground that afflicts me.
3. BernardNowman le 15-08-2024 à 17:35:25 (site)
ouiiiiii mon amour(l) moi ossi j'aime bien et c magnifique le poeme ossi il est jolii

je t'aimeeeeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour (l) à moi