

posté le 05-06-2024 à 14:28:00

Gotik woman




1. gladys-lemire  le 05-06-2024 à 14:29:49  (site)

Gotik woman

2. francoise4  le 05-06-2024 à 14:51:32  (site)

bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi

3. Lionel 71300   le 06-06-2024 à 08:33:14

Très bonne fin de semaine à toi gros bisous mon amie

4. Lionel 71300   le 07-06-2024 à 08:29:33

Très bon week-end à toi gros bisous mon amie

5. francoise4  le 11-06-2024 à 15:01:10  (site)

bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi

6. francoise4  le 16-06-2024 à 13:39:45  (site)

bonne journée bisous ma belle

posté le 04-06-2024 à 17:23:39





1. gladys-lemire  le 04-06-2024 à 17:25:38  (site)


2. gladys-lemire  le 04-06-2024 à 17:35:08  (site)

Two old sailors from the North Seas
They were coming back, one autumn evening,
Of Sicily and its sovereign islands,
With a people of Sirens,
On board.

Joyful with pride, they returned to their fiord,
Among the lying mists,
Joyful with pride, they returned to the North
Under a dull and monotonous wind,
An evening of sadness and autumn.
From the shore, the people of the port
They looked at them, without making a sign:
To the ropes along the masts,
The Sirens, covered in gold,
Twisted, like vines,
The lines
Sinuous of their bodies.
And people were silent, not knowing
What came from the ocean, over there,
Through mists;
The ship sailed like a basket of silver
Filled with flesh, fruit and moving gold
Who advanced, carried on wings of foam.

3. Lionel 71300   le 05-06-2024 à 09:12:20

Très bonne fin de semaine à toi gros bisous mon amie

4. francoise4  le 06-06-2024 à 08:51:28  (site)

bonne journée bisous ma belle prend soins de toi

5. francoise4  le 06-06-2024 à 08:51:52  (site)

super t ai photo

posté le 02-06-2024 à 19:16:42

Red woman




1. gladys-lemire  le 02-06-2024 à 19:18:40  (site)

Red woman

2. gladys-lemire  le 02-06-2024 à 19:22:47  (site)

O heaven! I see you again, madam,
Of all the loves of my soul
You the most tender and the first.
Do you remember our story?
I kept the memory of it:
It was, I think, last summer.

Ah! Marquise, when you think about it,
This time that we spend madly,
How he escapes and flees from us!
Do you know well, my old mistress,
That in winter, without it appearing,
I will be twenty, and you eighteen?

Well ! love me, without flattery,
If my rose is a little faded,
She has retained her beauty.
Child ! never spanish head
Was not so beautiful, nor so crazy.
Do you remember this summer?

Of our evenings, of our quarrel?
You gave me, I remember,
Your golden necklace to soothe me,
And for three nights, that I die,
I woke up every quarter of an hour,
To see him and to kiss him.

3. Lionel 71300   le 03-06-2024 à 08:27:05

Très bon début de semaine à toi gros bisous mon amie

4. francoise4  le 03-06-2024 à 14:42:23  (site)

bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi

5. Lionel 71300   le 04-06-2024 à 08:32:38

Très bonne semaine à toi gros bisous mon amie

posté le 01-06-2024 à 19:10:50








1. gladys-lemire  le 01-06-2024 à 19:12:23  (site)


2. gladys-lemire  le 01-06-2024 à 19:15:45  (site)

She is sitting
In the recess of the large window

This is the place of the world
Where you can see everyone best

A little sea
A little sky

She loves this place
Where his heart calms down

A lazy ray of sunlight advances before her
The light flirts with the back of the room

There she no longer thinks of anything

She doesn't forget!


The faces
Of those close to him
And yet so far away

Nor Pépète
The little dog with such black hair
Refugee on her knees from pain

She listens
A strange music
Punctuated by the whims of the wind
Spinning in the trees

3. Lionel 71300   le 02-06-2024 à 08:27:54

Très bon dimanche à toi gros bisous mon amie c est bientôt l été

4. francoise4  le 02-06-2024 à 13:31:34  (site)

bonne journée bisous prend soins de toi

posté le 31-05-2024 à 17:28:22

beautiful imag"




1. gladys-lemire  le 31-05-2024 à 17:29:48  (site)


2. gladys-lemire  le 31-05-2024 à 17:33:57  (site)

" She " …
She was beautiful in the night
By the light of the round moon
Ribbons dance in her hair
And the wind laughs at his side;

On paths strewn with stars
She shines brightly
His hands implore the sky
To time that stands still.

A flock of birds reminds us
How beautiful she was,
" She " …

3. Lionel 71300   le 01-06-2024 à 08:31:26

Très bon week-end à toi gros bisous mon amie


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